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How to fix the "fieldalignment: struct with 32 pointer bytes could be 24 (govet)"
Crash course in fixing a frustrating "fieldalignment" Golang linter issue
Golang Field Alignment and structure size optimization
Since you're here already, I suppose you code in Golang
and you're googling for a solution for a linter error mentioned in the article's title.
I won't go into detail when it comes to a memory management and field alignement in Go
, because that's not the subject of this post. You can read more on that in Golang Field Alignment article.
Let's consider having a struct
s like this:
// Valid struct.
type Address struct {
Name string
Street string
ZipCode string
City string
// Struct with misaligned fields.
type User struct {
ID int
Name string
Address Address
contains all fields aligned, while the User
not. What happens next?
When running a linter on your codebase, you can get errors that looks similarly to this:
golangci-lint run ./...
fieldalignment.go:3:11: fieldalignment: struct with 80 pointer bytes could be 72 (govet)
type User struct {
Long story short is that your struct
's fields are in the wrong order and are using more memory than they could (again, see Golang Field Alignment).
Trying to manually fix the struct
's fields order might be a pain if there're more than two.
As a solution we have a tool for that - fieldalignment
. All you need to do is to install the fieldalignment
go install
And fix the code:
~/go/bin/fieldalignment -fix PATH
command does all the changes by itself. We end up with aligned fields in our struct
, which now looks like this:
// Struct with aligned fields.
type User struct {
Address Address
Name string
ID int
Now you can run the linter once again and focus on other issues :P
If you eager for more information, pls check: